Background of the Organisation

Background of the Organisation

Origin and background

Rural Uplift Centre, (RUC) is working in Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Kanyakumari districts for enabling the poor women beedi workers, Agricultural labourers, Dalits, person with disability, small & marginal farmers and fish workers to assert their rights to life and rights to livelihood means . Till recent times the above excluded groups have not been motivated and facilitated systematically to come to the fore front in the mainstream development scenario. But RUC made these process a reality among the excluded groups.

RUC was the initiative of the then members (Fr.Claud De Souza.s.j, Fr.L.A.Tagore.s.j, Fr.Pappuraj.s.j. Mr. A.Maria James etc ) of All India Catholic University Federation (AICUF).. Mr. A. Maria James the Secretary of RUC is an ex-Regional secretary of AICUF. The association was formed in the year 1981.
Ensuring a resilient community which ascertains the rights to life and livelihood of the marginalized and vulnerable in the light of millennium development goals and global warming.
Ensuring equal rights, equal opportunities, equal access to resources, food security and dignified life through direct intervention, policy advocacy, climate change adaptation and facilitating self reliant community.
To undertake rescue, relief, rehabilitation, reconstruction during the time of hazard events and to undertake disaster risk reduction measures including climate change adaptation before the hazards / disasters.
To engage in Social Service activities aimed at improving the living conditions and general welfare of the poor, particularly Beedi Workers, Palmyra Workers, Coolies, Fishermen, Harijans, differently abled,transgender, indigent and the poor irrespective of occupation, sex, race, religion or caste.
To establish and manage educational and development institutions.
To enable the youth to acquire skills for employment and self-employment.
To run creches for the children of three to five years of working women.
To facilitate absorption of appropriate technology, especially on organic farming by the marginal and small farmers.
To promote community health in collaboration with the Government health care delivery system.
To communicate the villagers on various governmental schemes and programmes for development.
To conduct capacity building training on the constitutional rights and rights guaranteed by the international instruments / covenants to the people.
To establish and manage educational and development institutions.
To provide legal aid, care and support to the victims and vulnerable and to run refuge centres for women in distress.
To collaborate with other NGOs, corporate, government and other resource systems towards the attainment of the above objectives.
Legal status of the organization
Registered under Tamil Nadu Social Registration Act 1976.
Registered as Charitable organization under Income Tax Act, 1961 & Recognised under 80G of the income tax act 1961
Registered under Foreign Contribution (regulation) Act 1976
Recognised under 80G of the income tax act 1961
Registered under Niti Ayog having Unique I.D: TN/2009/0006845
• Registered with Provident Fund Organisation having registration Number:MDNKL0079068000
Maria James, Secretary of RUC
Phone: 0091 4652231110
Mobile: 0091 9443177824
Whatsapp: 0091 9443177824
Email: &
Donors of Rural Uplift Centre:


• Jesuit Mission, GERMANY


• Azim Premji Philanthropic Foundation.

• Govt of India

• Govt of Tamil Nadu

• Guidehouse, India